Monday, December 25, 2023

Rain expected December 26th Hampton Roads VA

 Forecast for rain December 26th and BIG temperature drop following Hampton Roads VA

  Hope everyone is having a good holiday!  Wanted to post an update since there is some rain on the way.  Expect the rain to begin early Tuesday morning 26 December about 1am.  It will remain pretty steady, with a break Tuesday afternoon and possibly Wednesday morning.  Showers stay in the area until Wednesday afternoon around 3pm, when it gets the heaviest.  Possibility of elevated winds and some gusts up to 25 miles per hour.  The temperatures remain above average during the rain.

  Analyzed the short-range model to take a look at the timing of the rain.  As far as temperatures dropping, that's outside of the scope of the short range, so I utilized the longer-range European model.  Thursday night expect around 38 degrees, then steadily dropping in the lows to 32 degrees by the weekend.  Highs will be back to closer to average in the 50s.  

  Looking into climate models, this is expected for the area in the month of January and February.  This trend aligns with the strong El Nino pattern, and an active jet to the south, leaving room for the polar air from the North to sneak its way in.  These temperature trends may favor possibility for snow as winter progresses. 

  Since the temps were looked at long range, I'll keep an eye on them for changes.  If anything, expect a couple degrees margin of error.  

  Stay tuned for more updates! Thanks for reading.

NAMNST 06Z DEC 26 Precip

NAMNST 20Z DEC 27 Precip

ECMWF 12Z DEC 29 Temp

ECMWF 12Z DEC 31 Temp

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